
Monday, August 16, 2004

My mom is in the hospital with cancer. She went to the ER Sunday morning w/back pain and they found a tumor on her stomach and kidneys. Two lymph nodes are involved.

I've had better days.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

I bought an incredibly cute pair of black heels the other day. Paul can't understand why I needed them. A) They were on sale. B) I need heels for when I dress up or wear skirts to work. C) For a girl, I really don't have that many shoes, so back off.

Last night we went out to dinner and a movie. The dinner was Olive Garden, and since I never dress up, I decided I would. Very cute blue shirt, black hotpants, and my shoes that I love. As soon as Paul saw me, he said (after he told me I looked nice), "You're not really that tall." I retorted with, "Well, when I wore them to work I got a lot of compliments. And they're comfortable. And they're so cute!"

As the hostess was seating us at the Olive Garden, she said, "Ohmygod, I love your shoes!" Paul did not tease me about them for the rest of the night.

Also, I highly recommend "Collateral."

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

We have ants. All over. But mainly in the bedroom. So last night I doused the floors with Raid and we went to work out. When we came back, I spread carpet deodorizer all over and vacuumed.

I still feel itchy.