
Tuesday, April 30, 2002

Saw Harry Potter today. That's become my thing with Nertoosha. Every Tuesday night, see a movie for a buck-fifty. And it was great up until this chess game part. The red-headed kid was going to sacrifice his knight so the queen would take it and Harry was free to checkmate the king. And I was all pissy because I thought that move was illegal. Which was originally what my post was about. I had a link to chess rules and everything. Until I actually started explaining what pissed me off. You can't make a move in which your opponent can take your king the next move. zha and I have had to redo games where we missed a check and one of us didn't take the king out of check (except the other didn't realize the king was in check to begin with--hey we're not Bobby Fisher). But then I realized that the move wasn't illegal. Then queen took the night, and Harry was able to put the king in checkmate. Which means that no matter where the king moved, the opponent would capture it. So I bitched to Tosha during the movie and out in the parking lot, when, in fact, I was the moron. Go figure.


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