
Sunday, April 21, 2002

For those of you who may have noticed, I've edited my links list. Sadly. zha/critic, zha, and bluecell no longer exist. I enjoyed reading them while they were up (especially zha/critic), and hope that someday new sites will fill this void in my life. (yes, that is a desperate plea you can hear)

On another note, I've found some fun things while surfing. This absolutely cracks me up, especially since I'm a Legolas fan. Did you see the part when he loaded and shot three arrows in a row? That was one of my favorite fight scenes. I got it from this website, also good if you're a Lord of the Rings fan. So check out the diaries if you have time (like for those of you at work who are not doing anything productive).

One more thing. I came across a suicidal opossum the other day. It was night and he ran out in front of me, so I slowed way down and swerved to the right. He ran faster, trying to get under my tire. I told him, no matter what he did, I would not run him over. OK, you know how you yell at other drivers in the hope that they'll hear you and take your advice and get lessons on how to properly operate a vehicle? Well, this opossum actually heard me and moped off to the other side of the road. I swear to god, he moped.

P.S. There was also regular floss and super floss in my pack of goodies.


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