
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Things that make me happy:

1. I now have a fan in my room. It's an exhaust thing that sits on the window sill and sucks in the cool air from outside. It is wonderful.

2. First paycheck that reflects what I can do when working from home.

3. Exercising again regularly.

4. Jack McBrayer Monday night. (And perhaps a little side serving of Ben?)

5. 3,2,1 Kill going very well. Coldtowne being offered a spot at the Drafthouse.

That one I want to expand on a bit. I first met Ctowne two PIFs ago. I still remember their show. I immediately had a huge improv crush on everyone. And I thought, "Wow, these guys are amazing. It would be fun to hang out with them, but they're too cool for me." haHA! I fooled them! I've watched the troupe grow from afar. Last Septemberish they opened their own theater. They teach classes and produce shows. They won (tied) Best Improv Troupe In Austin. (vote for them this year!) And these are people I know. My peers. Getting a regular gig at the Drafthouse is huge for them. A few months ago I watched some UCB stuff on DVD for the first time. And I immediately thought of Coldtowne. That's going to be them in a few years. People will come from across the country to train at their conservatory. They will film sketches. They will be huge. Their drive, ambition, and talent is rare. And very refreshing.

And as eighty-year-old-marmish as this sounds: I'm really proud of them.


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