"There's been an explosion and fire near the Kettering Tower." How near? Where exactly?? I need to know. MY DAD WORKS THERE. I call and get only his voice mail. My mom doesn't even know anything happened. He resigned Sunday, and only has a couple more weeks left. After twenty some odd years of working, nothing happens until the end. If he's hurt...god, I'm so scared. "Dick just called. The building's been evacuated. No injuries were reported." Thank god. There was smoke everywhere. Fire underneath. In the tunnels. An explosion large enough to blow man-hole covers out of the street. Roads are blocked off. I drove home from work on the highway, circling the city. Couldn't go through--too much traffic. And all of downtown is lit up, save one building. The tallest. No office lights, nothing. It's black shadow stands out against the city. There's a red flashing light on top to warn low-flying planes of its existence. It looks odd, floating above the rest. He's okay. My parents are going shopping. Everything's fine. But, jesus, I was scared.
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