
Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Holy crap! Do I feel like a big piece-o-poo. Today is my day off and I've spent most of it in bed. The fever comes and goes. The snot never stops running. The medication makes me feel jittery. And the cough. I apologize to my vocal folds for all of the smacking together. So the past two nights I've taken a hot bath just before bed. It helps break my fever. And my new favorite thing to do is lay in the tub while all the water drains out. First I take the zip loc bag off of the over-spill drain and let the water slowly exit that way. I can feel gravity gently pushing down on me. And my belly goes from being completely submersed, to a tiny island with every breath. Then I remove the large plug. And all of the water is sucked out of the tub. It gets harder to breathe. It tickles my back and my armpits and my knee pits. And the first night, it cracked my back. If you really want to feel the power of gravity, try that little experiment. Then I get out of the tub feeling very tired, very heavy, and very warm. I wrap a towel around my head and go to sleep.

I'm at my parents right now doing laundry. My hope was to go take a water aerobics class today with my mom, but getting my dirty clothes together knocked the wind out of me. I feel like I'm moving in slow motion. I don't know how I'm going to be able to work tomorrow. Everything hurts. So no Chinese New Year Party for me. I think I'll go take a bath.


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