
Thursday, December 08, 2005

As most of you know, I'm huge into letting people know they're appreciated. So, last week it was really cool when Greg told Bill how much he respected him as a friend and a performer, and how important he is to the PHX improv scene. As cheesy as this sounds, it warmed my heart to hear someone else do that. In the same sense, I'm also huge into complimenting people. Even if they're complete strangers. Because, why not? At the Thanksgiving Thursday service, a girl spoke who had gorgeous eyes. I told her so as we were leaving. It's small, but sometimes that can really brighten someone's day. And you never think it will come back to you. Well, yesterday it did. At the JesterZ workshop a woman complimented me, and I got all choked up. It felt really good. And also just re-emphasized that I will continue to do that for others.

So here's the challenge: Compliment one stranger a day. Because you never know how that's going to affect them, and how much they may need to hear something nice at that moment.


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