
Saturday, August 06, 2005

Well, apparently I was not supposed to do improv tonight. Which sucks because we had a great show Thursday and tomorrow I'm doing the musical improv stuff. I really wanted to go to this show and jam tonight, but it was not in the cards. When I came home from my day with Candy, I tried to get online to get directions. But my network wasn't working. Since I've decided to do as little damage to the Wendel's stuff as possible, I waited until Bob came home before we tried to fix anything. At this point, I was going to miss the show, but I had plenty of time to get to the jam. I get my directions and head out; even though my heart wasn't really in it because I haven't slept much in the past two days, and I'd rather be in bed. So I get to McDowell and the 17. There are two left turn lanes. Seeing as I need to make an almost immediate right, I get into the right-left lane. There is a white van in the left-left lane. We get the green arrow and he decides to go straight. This forces me to make a quick decision: plow into his passenger side, or continue going straight. I decided against the accident. But now I'm forced onto a one-way access road for another mile. I turn left on Van Buren and try to find the Grand intersection. Now, I've never been in this area before, but I figure if I hit Central, there isn't a Grand intersection at Van Buren. Which turned out to be the case. So I head back north on Central to McDowell. OK, I'm 20 minutes late at this point, but I can still make it. I find the Grand intersection, but wouldn't you know it, you can't turn left going this direction. SCREW IT! I get back on the highway and drive home. Well, at least now I can go to bed. Ugh.


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