It's been tough here lately. Last night I left in the middle of notes because I needed to be up before 6, and it's a 30 min drive home. I have a smaller part and asked if I could get my notes the next day (turns out I didn't have any--so it would have been pointless for me to stay). Candy called today and said everything finally ended around midnight. Act 2 still falls apart. We're starting early tonight to run A2 before we run the whole show. We need about one more week, but we have two more days. Paul is coming opening night, so it'll be interesting to hear what he thinks of it. I'm frustrated because some of the actors just aren't doing their job. They aren't reviewing lines or blocking. I'm glad the show only runs one weekend. Then Paul and I are driving to San Diego to visit my cousin. I can't wait for that. Sort of a mini-vacation. So that's why I haven't posted in a while and why I probably won't post again until after the show.
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