
Tuesday, June 11, 2002

So my job. I'm the assistant manager. But I run the place. Today I trained the actual manager on some computer stuff. Plus I got my consultation, and she didn't. heehee. The one thing I don't like about this job is how money hungry management is. Which I understand, but they have to understand something, as well. We are in the weight loss business. This is the number one most sensitive subject for women. And they don't want to be harassed or bullied into buying something. So, I guess I love the servicing part of my job. Not the selling. Even though I'm really good at both. ;)

So tonight. Yea For Courtney!!! Steph and Jason and his man and C joined Tosh and me for our date. We saw The Sweetest Thing. Which was so worth the buck fifty! It was raunchy and exactly the way we are. And for the first time in forever, I was in the mood to go to a bar afterwards. So I drove to the Oregon District to see if the coffee shop was open, or the music place so I could meet someone I don' t know. But neither were, so I came home. And now that I'm typing, I'm starting to get sleepy. Courtney suggested to Tosh that when the two of us get back from Kings Island, we should call her up and go out to a bar. Very much looking forward to that!

And The Boy is getting used to me. It was cute. Last night he came over, and after we stopped making out he wanted to watch a movie. Which was absolutely fine with me. I love movies. My perfect day would consist of making out all day long and watching movies. Just laying around. And making pancakes. P.S. My mom borrowed 4 dvds from the library for me, so I just might do that on Saturday. I may be by myself, but I'll be a happy camper. Anyway, he asks if I'm really okay with it, or if on the inside I'm all, "No, you sonofabitch, we need to cuddle." Which I wasn't. Not that cuddling is bad, I was just in agreement about the movie watching situation. And, judging from the way he talked, he's not used to that. See, I say what's on my mind. Ask The Scmuck. But, like I said, we're still in the "getting used to each other" phase. I'm not psychotic and he's not an asshole. This is working out well.


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