
Monday, August 14, 2006

Well, I am officially in love with L.A. I mean, I've always liked it. But this weekend...there was just something that pushed me over the edge. I think going to IO twice in 2 months, talking to my friends who are out there living improv, seeing some short films others are doing, the beach...yeah, I need to be there. And I was just getting all settled into the idea of staying in PXH. 8 months ago I though I would be heading to L.A. in August at the latest. Then the whole telecommuting situation came up at my job, and I was hoping for October. Well, the telecommuting has been pushed back even more. My lease is up next June, which is probably around the time Chris and Faith will be getting married. So, I'll have to figure something out. When I was in the ocean two days ago, this vision of what my life could be like was so vivid.

The tcom looks like it will work itself out by the end of the year. I was going to drive back and forth to L.A. to take classes at IO West. But the more I think about it, the more I will want to see shows and stay longer and film small projects with my friends. I don't know...it's just...I need to be by an ocean. If I was butt broke for the rest of my life, but making shorts w/ my friends and doing improv all the time and surfing a couple days a week, I would be the happiest person. Seriously. The.Happiest. So, um, I think I'm gonna.

who knows...


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