
Monday, June 12, 2006

I am not at work today. I drove straight from LA to Bill's for a Remainders meeting, then home for a shower and bed. I hadn't slept in a couple of days, and when I woke up this morning at 5, it all came together. So I called in and slept, trying to get rid of the major headache that was pounding my eyes out.

So, The Trip. Friday I got to Dustin's around 8:30, then we went to Cha-Chas to meet up w/ my old college friends who I haven't seen in years (with the exception of Caroline and Behn, who I hooked up with last year at the LA Improv Fest). The bar was fun, until I realized just how much three shots of fire water was bad for me. I ended up sitting outside for a while until I was able to stand again. People took turns keeping me company. We closed the bar, and headed to an all night grocery store for food. Strawberries, cereal, and cookie dough. The three key ingredients to healthy living. Back at Dustin's we put in True Romance, then went to bed around 4 or 5. Needless to say, I did not make my 10 am workshop. But I did have breakfast with Bill and Jacque, then Jamba Juice a couple hours later with Chris DeMarco, a PHX to LA transplant-slash-my old hiking buddy.

Saturday, Ben met Dustin and I for pizza. Oh, a fun story: So, Dustin explained where the pizza place was, but as I've only been in this neighborhood one other time and that was a year ago, I had no idea what he was talking about. Then, as we were walking down the street, I said, "Hey, I ate at this place last year with zha and David. They have great pizza!" *lightbulb* "Oh, this is where we're going!" Then we saw Charna speak, then Dasariski, then the Armando Show, then Beer Shark Mice. Um, maybe not in that exact order, but Charna was definitely first. And Jack McB was in the Armando Show. I, unfortunatly, did not get to meet him....yet. I anticipate many photo ops at Del Close in July. Unless he doesn't attend, in which case I will have to kill him. Or kidnap him and keep him in my closet. Anyway, because I know Mike Coen (was his Den Mom for PIF), I got into a show for free. That was awesome. After the shows, we stood around for two hours waiting for free food. And Jack. He never came out. Whatever. I'm so over you. Oh, who are we kidding--no I'm not. Then we headed to Behn and Caroline's for some late night socializing. Came home around 4.

Sunday I was going to finally meet Mike Sandow (a friend of zha's I've been hearing about for a year), but we both slept in and he had to go to a shoot and I had to drive home. So I will catch him in August when I come back. The Remainders are doing several shows in LA, which means anyone who is in Los Angeles must come see! Oh, and Caroline invited me to their annual Malibu Memorial Day party--which I was really looking forward to (three straight days of surfing!!). But I think that's when we'll be in Canada. Sucks.

Hmmm...I am now thinking of the cookie dough in Dustin's fridge and wishing it were in mine. Because I would TOTALLY be eating it right now.


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