
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

You don't realize how you impact and effect others until you leave. I was reminded of this today at work, then again reading Hagrid's post. Several people out of the blue gave me phone numbers for job leads, and I sent out a couple of resumes. I guess, as the leavER, I don't think about what it will be like for the ones I'm leavING. Cassy said it will be weird without me. Tomm gave me a big hug. Marisa said she was mad. And I still have two weeks left.

I was reminded of when I was left behind. When zha did his crazy USA travelling. I was so sad b/c I didn't think I'd see him again. That our lives would drift apart and I'd be forgotten. Oh, how silly. When you are truly friends with someone, it doesn't matter where you live. I only talk to Tosh a couple of times a month, and I only see her maybe once a year, but it doesn't feel that way. I still feel close to her. See, it doesn't matter where we physically are, our hearts are still close. I am appreciating friendships in a new way at this point in my life. I am so incredibly thankful for the amazing people I know and love.

So, Hagrid, don't be sad. I may leave, but I will never be gone.


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